
Much has been written about the use of the War on Drugs to intentionally disenfranchise
poor people and engineer the centralization of political and economic power in the
U.S. and globally, including an explosive rise in the U.S. prison population. The
purpose of this story is not to repeat this fundamentally sound thesis. For those
who are interested in more on this topic, I would refer you to my article and audio
seminar Narco Dollars for Beginners as well as Michael Woodiwiss
book Organized Crime and American Power (University of Toronto Press, 2001)
and their associated bibliographies.[49]
U.S. Vice President Al Gore,
Harvard trained supporter of significant increases in enforcement and private prisons.
(Photo Courtesy Wikipedia) |
What most people miss is the extent to which the day-to-day implementation of this
intentional centralism is deeply pervasive and therefore deeply bipartisan. It receives
the promotion and support from all political and social spectrums that make money
by running government through the contractors, banks, law firms, think tanks and universities
that really run the government. My intention for this story is to make clear how the
system really works. A system in which a small group of ambitious insiders
who more often than not were educated at Harvard, Yale, Princeton and the other Ivy
League schools enjoy centralizing power and advantaging themselves. Paradigms
of Republican vs. Democrat or Conservative vs. Progressive have been designed for
obfuscation and entertainment. An endless number of philosophies and strains of religious
and holier than thou moralism are really put on and taken off like fresh
make-up in the effort to hide from view a deeper, uglier face. One person who may
have described it more frankly during the Clinton years was the former Director of
the CIA, William Colby, who writing for an investment newsletter in 1995 said:
"The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper
into our lives than most people believe. It's possible they are calling the shots
at all levels of government."
The Clinton Administration took the groundwork laid by Nixon, Reagan and Bush and
embraced and blossomed the expansion and promotion of federal support for police,
enforcement and the War on Drugs with a passion that was hard to understand unless
and until you realized that the American financial system was deeply dependent on
attracting an estimated $500 billion-$1 trillion of annual money laundering. Globalizing
corporations and deepening deficits and housing bubbles required attracting vast amounts
of capital.
Jamie Gorelick, Harvard
trained Deputy Attorney General, 1994-97, credited with making private Federal prisons
a reality. (Photo courtesy 9-11 Commission) |
Attracting capital also required making the world safe for the reinvestment of
the profits of organized crime and the war machine. Without growing organized crime
and military activities through government budgets and contracts, the economy would
stop centralizing. The Clinton Administration was to govern a doubling of the federal
prison population.[50]
Whether through subsidy, credit and asset forfeiture kickbacks to state and local
government or increased laws, regulations and federal sentencing and imprisonment,
the supremacy of the federal enforcement infrastructure and the industry it feeds
was to be a Clinton legacy.
One of the first major initiatives by President Bill Clinton was the Omnibus Crime
Bill, signed into law in September 1994. This legislation implemented mandatory sentencing,
authorized $10.5 billion to fund prison construction that mandatory sentencing would
help require, loosened the rules on allowing federal asset forfeiture teams to keep
and spend the money their operations made from seizing assets, and provided federal
monies for local police. The legislation also provided a variety of pork for a Clinton
Administration vogue constituency Community Development Corporations (CDCs)
and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). The CDCs and CDFIs became
instrumental during this period in putting a socially acceptable face on increasing
central control of local finance and shutting off equity capital to small business.
The potential impact on the private prison industry was significant. With the bill
only through the house, former Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti joined the board
of Wackenhut Corrections, which went public in July 1994 with an initial public offering
of 2.2 million shares. By the end of 1998, Wackenhuts stock market value had
increased almost ten times. When I visited their website at that time it offered a
feature that flashed the number of beds they owned and managed. The number increased
as I was watching it the prison business was growing that fast.
However, the Clinton Administration did not wait for the Omnibus Crime Bill to
build the federal enforcement infrastructure. Government-wide, agencies were encouraged
to cash in on support in both Executive Branch and Congress for authorizations and
programs many justified under the umbrella of the War on Drugs that
allowed agency personnel to carry weapons, make arrests and generate revenues from
money makers such as civil money penalties and asset forfeitures and seizures. Indeed,
federal enforcement was moving towards a model that some would call for profit
faster than one could say Sheriff of Nottingham.
Elaine Kamarck lobbied
for private prisons as a senior advisor to Vice President Gore and part of Gores
Reengineering Government, 1993-1997, then went to Harvard. (Photo courtesy
Harvard University) |
On February 4, 1994, U.S. Vice President Al Gore announced Operation Safe Home,
a new enforcement program at HUD. Gore was a former Senator from Tennessee. His hometown
of Nashville was home of the largest private prison company, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). He was joined at
the press conference by Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen, Attorney General
Janet Reno, Director of Drug Policy Lee Brown and Secretary of HUD Henry Cisneros
who said that the Operation Safe Home initiative would claim $800 million of HUDs
resources. Operation Safe Home was to receive significant support from the Senate
and House appropriations committees. It turned the HUD Inspector Generals office
from an auditor of program areas to a developer of programs competing for funding
with the offices they were supposed to be auditing a serious conflict of interest
and built-in failure of government internal controls.
According to the announcement, Operation Safe Home was expected to "combat
violent crime in public and assisted housing." As part of this program, the HUD
Office of Inspector General (OIG) coordinated with various federal, state and local
enforcement task forces. Federal agencies that partnered with HUD included the FBI,
the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF),
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Secret Service, the U.S. Marshal's Service,
the Postal Inspection Service, the U.S. Customs Service, the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). The primary performance measures
reported in the HUD OIG Semi-Annual Performance Report to Congress for this program
are the total number of asset forfeitures/seizures, equity skimming collections and
arrests. Subsequent intra-agency efforts such as the "ACE" program sponsored
by DOJ and initiated by U.S. Attorneys Offices, working with the DOJ Asset Forfeiture
Fund, HUD OIG and HUD Office of General Counsel promoted revenue generating activities
as well.
Behind the scenes what all this meant was big budget increases for DOJ and the
portions of the agencies that were focused on profitable enforcement and the War on
Drugs. Big budget increases meant big contract budget increases as government outsourced
more and more work. In "Prisons for Profit: A special report; Jail Business Shows
Its Weaknesses," Jeff Gerth and Stephen Labaton in the New York Times
in November 1995 describe the political appointees in the Clinton Administration who
were successful at overcoming the natural intelligence of the career civil service
at DOJ:
In the middle of last year, the White House sent its proposal to privatize
prisons to the Justice Department, where it was greeted with a frosty response, according
to officials involved in the discussions.
Christopher Edley, Jr.,
Harvard Law Professor who served in the Office of Management and Budget engineered
the federal budget to support privatized federal prisons, now Dean of Berkeley Law
School. (Photo courtesy Berkeley Law School) |
"To help overcome the resistance of senior officials at the Justice Department
and the Bureau of Prisons, the plan's architect at the White House, Christopher Edley
Jr., asked Mr. Gore's office to turn up the heat.
"Mr. Edley, an associate director of the Office of Management and Budget,
enlisted the aid of Ms. Kamarck, Mr. Gore's senior policy adviser overseeing his government
review. She then called her friend, Ms. Gorelick, the Deputy Attorney General, who
oversees the day-to-day operations of the Justice Department.
"I convinced Jamie to do more of it," Ms. Kamarck recalled.
Cornell Corrections was one of the beneficiaries of Chris Edley, Elaine Kamarck
and Jamie Gorelicks efforts. According to Cornells 1996 Prospectus (the
offering document provided to investors) filed with the SEC, after building a capacity
of approximately 1100 beds over a five year period, Cornell in a nine month period
was suddenly blessed with a feeding frenzy of new contracts, contract renewals and
contract acquisition approvals that nearly tripled their capacity all from
the Federal Bureau of Prisons at the Department of Justice.
Contract Awards, Renewals and Acquisition Approvals to Cornell Corrections by DOJ,
September 1995 to April 1996
9/95 |
Oakland |
61 |
Pre-Release |
11/95 |
San Diego |
50 |
Pre-Release |
12/95 |
Salt Lake |
58 |
Pre-Release |
1/96 |
Houston |
94 |
Pre-Release * |
2/96 |
San Francisco |
81 |
Pre-Release |
2/96 |
Big Spring, Texas |
1305 |
Secure |
3/96 |
Santa Barbara |
25 |
Pre-Release |
4/96 |
El Monte, California |
52 |
Pre-Release |
TOTAL 1726 |
Note: * This location is named the Peter A. Liedel Community Center
after Cornell board member and Dillon Read officer Peter A. Liedel. |
The acquisition of the Big Spring, Texas facilities from MidTex, signed in February
of 1996 and closed in July 1996 brought on board Charles J. Haugh to be Cornells
Director of Secure Institutions as of May 1997. Haugh had most recently been the Executive
Director of MidTex. From 1963 to 1988, Haugh had served in numerous capacities for
the Federal Bureau of Prisons at DOJ, including Special Assistant to Director Administrator
of Correctional Services Branch, Associate Warden, Chief Correctional Supervisor and
Correctional Officer.
Gerth and Labaton in "Prisons for Profit" describe who in the Clinton
Administration got it done:
Federal officials say they are comfortable with letting private companies
run Federal prisons because the industry has become mature, gaining experience running
state and local jails. But Federal officials have also grown comfortable with the
prison industry because its ranks now include many former colleagues as senior and
other law-enforcement officials have taken positions at private corrections companies,
Washington's latest revolving door profession.
"The industry leader is the Corrections Corporation of America, a 12-year-old
company based in Nashville. Some of the company's officials are former Federal prison
employees, and the company's director of strategic planning, Michael Quinlan, headed
the Bureau of Prisons in the Bush Administration.
"Another industry leader is the Wackenhut Corrections Corporation of Coral
Gables, Florida. Its directors include Norman A. Carlson, Mr. Quinlan's predecessor
as the director of the prisons bureau, and Benjamin R. Civiletti, a former Attorney
"The Acting Attorney General in the first months of the Clinton Administration,
Stuart Gerson, is on the board of Esmor Correctional Services of Sarasota, Fla. Four
months ago, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a unit of the Justice Department,
canceled its contract with Esmor after an uprising at its detention center in Elizabeth,
N.J. An investigation by immigration officials concluded that Esmor, trying to cut
costs, had failed to train guards, some of whom beat detainees.
"The revolving door is beginning to work both ways. Not only has the private
sector turned to former Federal officials, the Government has also started to look
to industry leaders for aid in developing plans to hand new prisons over to private
"Mr. Crane, a general counsel at the Corrections Corporation in the 1980s,
was retained briefly as a consultant by the Bureau of Prisons to help write a model
contract that is going to be used to hire the company to run the Federal prison in
The Mr. Crane who they have hired to develop the contract is the same Mr. Crane
who arranged for the prisoners to be shipped from North Carolina to Rhode Island to
save Cornell Corrections and Dillon Reads municipal bond buyers.
The outpouring of contracts from the Department of Justice to Cornell was very
significant. When Cornell did its IPO in October of 1996, I estimate it had an implied
per bed or per prisoner valuation of $24,241. Valuing the
company at the IPO price, the total company value was $81 million. Without the contracts
from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the company value would have been approximately
$39 million, assuming the company could have held a $24,241 per prisoner multiple
or come to market at all both unlikely in my opinion. The increase in total
valuation of stock held by Dillon and its funds based on these assumptions would have
been a minimum of $18.5 million. In short, the Dillon Read officers and directors
invested in Cornell experienced a more than double in the increase in their value
of their personal holdings of Cornell stock as a result of six months of contract
decisions by DOJ and its agencies.
Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, who according to the New York Times
article had overseen the new policy of prison privatization, left DOJ in 1997. She
then became a Vice Chair of Fannie Mae, a government sponsored enterprise.
This means it is a private company that enjoys significant governmental support. Fannie
Mae buys mortgages and combines them in pools. They then sell securities in these
pools as a way of increasing the flow of capital to the mortgage markets.
The reader can appreciate why Wall Street would welcome someone as accommodating
as Gorelick at Fannie Mae. This was a period when the profits rolled in from engineering
the most spectacular growth in mortgage debt in U.S. history.[51]
As one real estate broker said, They have turned our homes into ATM machines.
Fannie Mae has been a leading player in centralizing control of the mortgage markets
into Washington D.C. and Wall Street. And that means as people were rounded up and
shipped to prison as part of Operation Safe Home, Fannie was right behind to finance
the gentrification of neighborhoods. And that is before we ask questions about the
extent to which the estimated annual financial flows of $500 billion$1 trillion
money laundering through the U.S. financial system or money missing from the US government
are reinvested into Fannie Mae securities.
It is important before closing this description of Cornells extraordinary
good fortune with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and DOJ in the fall of 1995 and the
spring and summer of 1996 to provide some additional context. During this period,
America was in the middle of a Presidential election. Bill Clinton and Al Gore were
running for their second term. Dillon Read was a traditionally Republican firm, with
the largest Dillon investors in Cornell giving generously to the Republican Party
as well as to the Dole-Kemp campaign, whose campaign manager, Scott Reed, had been
Kemp's chief of staff at HUD and then Executive Director of the Republican Party.
The corporate ancestry and relations of Cornell Bechtel, Houston, their auditor,
Arthur Andersons Houston office, their attorney, Baker Botts, and their construction
company, Halliburton/KBR are ties all deeply associated with the Bush family
and Republican camp.
Campaign Donations of Seven Largest Dillon Investors in Cornell Corrections Found
in Center for
Responsive Politics Database - 1995 & 1996
Contributor |
Date |
Amount |
Recipient |
David Niemiec |
10/29/1996 |
($250) |
Weld, William F |
Franklin Hobbs |
10/24/1996 |
$1,000 |
Weld, William F |
Franklin Hobbs |
10/23/1996 |
($2,000) |
Weld, William F |
Peter Flanigan |
10/22/1996 |
$450 |
National Republican Senatorial Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
10/16/1996 |
$500 |
Hutchinson, Tim |
John Haskell |
10/14/1996 |
$500 |
National Republican Senatorial Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
10/3/1996 |
$500 |
Cubin, Barbara |
David Niemiec |
10/3/1996 |
$5,000 |
National Republican Congressional Committee |
John Haskell |
9/13/1996 |
$1,000 |
RNC/Repub National State Elections Committee |
David Niemiec |
8/30/1996 |
$1,000 |
Molinari, Susan |
John Haskell |
8/29/1996 |
$15,000 |
RNC/Repub National State Elections Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
8/12/1996 |
$1,000 |
RNC/Repub National State Elections Committee |
David Niemiec |
8/7/1996 |
$1,000 |
Paxon, Bill |
Peter Flanigan |
8/5/1996 |
$500 |
Weld, William F |
Peter Flanigan |
7/31/1996 |
$40,000 |
RNC/Repub National State Elections Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
5/28/1996 |
$1,000 |
Sessions, Jeff |
John Haskell |
5/17/1996 |
$500 |
Livingston, Jeffrey |
David Niemiec |
5/1/1996 |
$5,000 |
National Republican Congressional Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
4/30/1996 |
$5,000 |
Republican National Committee |
David Niemiec |
4/30/1996 |
$15,000 |
Republican National Committee |
John Birkelund |
4/19/1996 |
$1,000 |
Dole, Bob |
David Niemiec |
3/21/1996 |
$5,000 |
National Republican Congressional Committee |
John Haskell |
3/8/1996 |
$365 |
New York Republican Campaign Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
2/29/1996 |
$250 |
Cubin, Barbara |
George Wiegers |
2/26/1996 |
$1,000 |
Alexander, Lamar |
Franklin Hobbs |
2/23/1996 |
$1,000 |
Weld, William F |
Kenneth Schmidt |
2/21/1996 |
$500 |
Alexander, Lamar |
David Niemiec |
2/12/1996 |
$250 |
Weld, William F |
Peter Flanigan |
2/2/1996 |
$500 |
New York Republican County Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
1/29/1996 |
$250 |
Miller, James C III |
John Haskell |
1/26/1996 |
$1,000 |
Smith, Gordon |
Peter Flanigan |
1/23/1996 |
$1,000 |
Smith, Gordon |
Peter Flanigan |
1/10/1996 |
$1,000 |
Weld, William F |
Peter Flanigan |
1/2/1996 |
$1,000 |
National Republican Senatorial Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
12/13/1995 |
$15,000 |
RNC/Repub National State Elections Committee |
Franklin Hobbs |
12/9/1995 |
$1,000 |
Malcolm Forbes |
Peter Flanigan |
12/6/1995 |
$4,500 |
Republican National Committee |
David Niemiec |
11/22/1995 |
$5,000 |
Republican National Committee |
John Haskell |
11/10/1995 |
$1,000 |
Boschwitz, Rudy |
John Haskell |
11/7/1995 |
$1,000 |
Alexander, Lamar |
John Haskell |
10/3/1995 |
$200 |
Millard, Charles |
John Haskell |
8/31/1995 |
$15,000 |
Republican National Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
7/31/1995 |
$500 |
Thompson, Fred |
Franklin Hobbs |
7/13/1995 |
$1,000 |
Alexander, Lamar |
David Niemiec |
5/5/1995 |
$5,000 |
National Republican Congressional Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
3/22/1995 |
$500 |
New York Republican County Committee |
John Birkelund |
3/9/1995 |
$1,000 |
Alexander, Lamar |
John Birkelund |
3/7/1995 |
$1,000 |
Time Future Inc |
Peter Flanigan |
2/25/1995 |
($1,000) |
Gramm, Phil |
Peter Flanigan |
2/22/1995 |
$15,000 |
Republican National Committee |
Peter Flanigan |
2/14/1995 |
$1,000 |
Dole, Bob |
Peter Flanigan |
1/27/1995 |
$250 |
Alexander, Lamar |
Peter Flanigan |
1/25/1995 |
$2,000 |
Gramm, Phil |
* Preliminary, Subject to Change For
data, see www.opensecrets.org
Donor Lookup |

If you want to see a bi-partisan system at work, follow the money. In the middle
of a Presidential election, a Democratic administration engineered significant equity
value into a Republican firms back pocket. If you step back and take the longer
view, however, what you realize is that many of the players involved appear to have
connections to Iran Contra and money laundering networks. A surprising number of them
went to Harvard and other universities whose endowments are significant players in
the investment world. And as it turned out, while the U.S. prison population was soaring
from 1 million to 2 million people and US government and consumer debt was skyrocketing,
Harvard Endowment was also growing from $4 billion to $19 billion during the
Clinton Administration. Harvard and Harvard graduates seemed to be in the thick of
many things profitable.