1 | ACCOUNT | Character | 10 | Field Office Account Number | |
2 | WA_CONTROL | Numeric | 16 | Control Number | |
3 | FHA_CASE | Character | 10 | FHA Case Number | |
4 | BRANCH | Character | 10 | Field Office Code | |
5 | PERF_CAT | Character | 1 | Performance Category (A,B,C,D or E) | |
6 | BLOCK | Character | 4 | Mortgage Loan Block to which Loan has been Assigned | |
7 | BORR_TYPE | Character | 15 | Borrower Type Individual Corporation Partnership Trustee | |
8 | ADDRESS | Character | 40 | Property Address | |
9 | PROP_CITY | Character | 25 | Property City | |
10 | PROP_STATE | Character | 2 | Property State | |
11 | PROP_ZIP | Character | 10 | Property Zip Code | |
12 | COUNTY | Character | 25 | Property County | |
13 | BORROWER_1 | Character | 25 | Borrower 1: Last Name | |
14 | BORROWER_2 | Character | 25 | Borrower 2: Last Name | |
15 | ASSUM | Character | 20 | Loan Assumed | |
16 | NOTE_DOCN | Character | 15 | Note Document Number (HUD Form Number) | |
17 | NOTE_DOC | Character | 20 | Note Document Status Original Copy Missing | |
18 | NOTE_MODI | Character | 3 | Note Modification (Y/N) | |
19 | LOAN_TYPE | Character | 13 | Loan Type FHA Conventional VA | |
20 | ORIG_DATE | Date | 8 | Origination Date | |
21 | ORIG_BAL | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Original Balance |
22 | ORIG_RATE | Numeric | 6 | 3 | Original Rate |
23 | ORIG_PI | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Original Principal and Interest |
24 | FIRST_PAY | Date | 8 | First Pay Date | |
25 | MATURITY | Date | 8 | Maturity Date | |
26 * | TAPE_MAT | Date | 8 | Maturity Date from Servicing Tape if Note Missing | |
27 | ORIG_TERM | Numeric | 3 | Original Term | |
28 | REM_TERM | Numeric | 10 | Remaining Term to Maturity | |
29 | BALLOON | Character | 15 | Balloon Code Balloon Fully Amortized Demand | |
30 | AMORT_TYP | Character | 5 | Amortization Type Fixed Arm Graduated Payment Growing Equity Mortgage | |
31 | ARM_CONV | Character | 3 | Arm Conversion (Y/N) | |
32 | CONV_DATE | Date | 8 | Conversion Date | |
33 | ARM_INDEX | Character | 50 | ARM Index | |
34 | ARM_MARGN | Numeric | 6 | 3 | ARM Margin |
35 | ARM_BASE | Numeric | 6 | 3 | ARM Base |
36 | MAX_RATE | Numeric | 6 | 3 | Maximum Rate - ARM |
37 | MIN_RAT | Numeric | 6 | 3 | Minimum Rate - ARM |
38 | INT_FREQ | Numeric | 3 | Interest Adjustment Frequency | |
39 | PMT_FREQ | Numeric | 3 | Payment Adjustment Frequency | |
40 | INT_CAP | Numeric | 7 | 3 | Interest Adjustment Cap |
41 | PMNT_CAP | Numeric | 7 | 2 | Payment Adjustment Cap |
42 * | INT_ADJN | Date | 8 | Next Interest Adjustment Date | |
43 * | PMT_ADJN | Date | 8 | Next Payment Adjustment Date | |
44 | LOOKBACK | Numeric | 3 | Lookback Period for ARM Adjustment | |
45 | ROUNDING | Character | 12 | Interest Rounding Method Nearest Up Down | |
46 | RND_PERC | Numeric | 7 | 3 | Rounding Percent |
47 | NEG_AM | Character | 3 | Negative Amortization Allowed (Y/N) | |
48 | NEG_CAP | Numeric | 6 | 2 | Negative Amortization Cap (Percent) |
49 | MTG_DOC | Character | 17 | Mortgage Document Status Original Copy Unrecorded Copy Missing | |
50 | MTG_NUM | Character | 10 | Mortgage Document Number (HUD Form Number) | |
51 | APPR_VALUE | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Appraisal: Value |
52 | APPR_OCC | Character | 15 | Appraisal: Occupancy Status | |
53 | APPR_PROP | Character | 15 | Appraisal: Property Type | |
54 | APPR_LOCAT | Character | 8 | Appraisal: Location | |
55 | BPO_DATE | Date | 8 | BPO: Date | |
56 | BPO_PTYPE | Character | 20 | BPO : Property Type Single Family Attached Single Family Detached 2 - 4 Family Condominium | |
57 | BPO_COND | Character | 7 | BPO: Property Condition Good Average Fair Poor | |
58 | BPO_OCC | Character | 16 | BPO: Occupancy Owner Tenant Second Home Vacant | |
59 | BPO_MKT | Character | 13 | BPO: Marketing Time for Normal Sale | |
60 | BPO_BED | Numeric | 5 | 2 | BPO: Number of Bedrooms |
61 | BPO_BATH | Numeric | 5 | 2 | BPO: Number of Baths |
62 | BPO_BUILT | Character | 6 | BPO: Approximate Year Built | |
63 | BPO_CLTV | Numeric | 8 | 2 | BPO: Current Loan-to-Value |
64 | BPO_QUICK | Numeric | 15 | 2 | BPO: 60 day Quick Sale Value |
65 | BPO_VALUE | Numeric | 15 | 2 | BPO: Market Value in Normal Sale |
66 | LOAN_PURP | Character | 17 | Loan Purpose Purchase Refinance Equity Out | |
67 | SALES_PRC | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Sales Price |
68 | CASH_OUT | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Cash Out Amount |
69 | TITLE_DOC | Character | 22 | Title Document Status Original Copy Missing | |
70 | TITE_ETYPE | Character | 25 | Type of Title Evidence Final Title Policy Attorney's Opinion Title Commitment Abstract of Title Title Search | |
71 | TITLE_HLD | Character | 11 | Title Held Fee Simple Leasehold | |
72 | TOTL_LIEN | Numeric | 1 | Total Number of Liens | |
73 | LIEN_POS | Numeric | 1 | Lien Position (1st / 2nd) | |
74 * | FB_TAD | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Total Amount Due Under Forbearance |
75 | FB_DOC | Character | 20 | Forbearance Document Status Original Copy | |
76 * | FB_START | Date | 8 | Forbearance Start Date | |
77 * | FB_PTD | Date | 8 | Forbearance Paid to Date | |
78 * | FB_END | Date | 8 | Forbearance End Date | |
79 * | FB_PMT | Numeric | 7 | 2 | Monthly Forbearance Payment |
80 | FB_TYPE | Character | 25 | Forbearance Type Formal Forbearance Evidence of Forbearance | |
81 * | CURR_RATE | Numeric | 10 | 3 | Current Rate |
82 * | CURR_BAL | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Current Balance |
83 * | CURR_PI | Numeric | 7 | 2 | Current Principal and Interest |
84 * | ESCRO_CON | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Monthly Escrow Payment |
85 * | ESCRO_AMT | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Escrow Balance |
86 * | TAX_ADV | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Tax Advance |
87 * | INT_TAX | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Interest on Tax Advance |
88 * | SPECIAL | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Special Assessments |
89 * | INT_SPEC | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Interest on Special Assessments |
90 * | OTHER_ADV | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Other Advances |
91 * | INT_OTHER | Numeric | 8 | 2 | Interest on Other Advances |
92 * | PRIN_PTD | Date | 8 | Principal Paid to Date | |
93 | MOS_DELQ | Numeric | 3 | Number of Months Delinquent | |
94 * | INT_PTD | Date | 8 | Interest Paid to Date | |
95 * | INT_DUE | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Accrued Interest |
96 * | MEMO_1 | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Unapplied Funds |
97 * | MEMO_2 | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Insurance Proceeds |
98 * | MEMO_3 | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Escrow Funds |
99 * | MEMO_6 | Numeric | 15 | 2 | Insurance Disbursements |
100 * | FEES_CHK | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Returned Check Fees |
101 * | FEES_LATE | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Late Payment Fees |
102 * | FEES_SVC | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Service Charges / Fees |
103 | CRED_SCOR | Character | 9 | Credit Score from Credit Report | |
104 | CRED_DATE | Date | 8 | Date of Credit Report | |
105 * | HIST_DELQ | Character | 24 | Late Charge History | |
106 | YR_DELQ | Numeric | 2 | Times in last 12 months Late Charge Assessed | |
107 * | FORECLOSE | Character | 3 | Loan in Foreclosure (Y / N) | |
108 * | BANKRUPTCY | Character | 3 | Borrower in Bankruptcy (Y/ N) | |
109 | FHA_SECT | Character | 5 | FHA Section Number | |
110 | COLL_93 | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Cash Received in 1993 |
110 | COLL_94 | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Cash Received in 1994 |
111 | COLL_95 | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Cash Received in 1995 |
112 * | COLL_YTD96 | Numeric | 10 | 2 | Cash Received Through 2/29 in 1996 |